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1. Breakdown of every artist’s best work
2. Summary of every episode’s best ideas
3. Job application written by Da Vinci

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What listeners are saying:

“Podcast is incredible, highest of quality.
 I’m a big 50 Cent fan and I learned so much.”

Not Economically Viable (YouTuber)

“Fascinating how 50 cent, Miyazaki, and Bourdain are all exceptional because they are outliers in their own fields, yet their field is conceptually what makes them an artist. I hope you can tell how engaged I am. I love this podcast.

The Mind, Explored Newsletter (Writer)

“Thank you for crafting these beautiful podcast ‘hugs’.  
I’m on day 3 of binging the episodes. I haven’t 
been able to stop.”

Podcast Producer of Theories by T and Fierce Minds Kind Hearts

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